Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Supercharged is here... Time to get reading...

Yay! It’s here :)
Time for a little bit of light reading.
I’m almost half way through the final stage of New Rules of Lifting for Women, and it’s pretty much kicking my butt. May I just mention that I’m not the biggest fan of high reps, but I’m also just being a sook ;)
I am really looking forward to moving on to this next program, it seems to be definitely leveled up from NROL4W, and that’s pretty exciting.
Making the decision to stop being scared and start lifting heavy things was one of the best things I have ever done. I did it for me, and me only. I don’t lift for competitions, I don’t lift to be ‘the strongest’, I lift because I enjoy it and I like what it is doing – even the occasional DOMS is all worth it.

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