Friday, November 21, 2014

Swimming hard

This little dude has gone up another level at swimming.

That puts him just one level below squad and his older sister.

He’s been working so hard on his swimming this year – it’s like all of a sudden he’s decided to knuckle down and pay attention. And I’m so proud :)

Now if he could just work a little harder and get into squad so I don’t have to sit by the pool so many times a week, that’d be awesome ;)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Stop demonising food.

I’m not in favour of demonising any food. Food is just food. There is nothing inherently ‘evil’ about one particular type over another.

Here’s a little story for you:

My son has Coeliac Disease, is lactose-intolerant and has an issue with a particular preservative. In Prep he wanted to be just like the other kids so he asked for a sandwich for lunch. The only gluten-free, dairy-free, preservative-free bread I could find (all my home attempts at that time failed miserably!) was a white bread. He was so happy to have a ‘normal’ lunch.

Until he came home from school one day with an uneaten sandwich and in tears.

Why? Some lovely little child had bailed him up at lunch time and told him that white bread was unhealthy. That it was really bad for you and he should be eating brown bread >>because her mother said so<<.

What works for one will not always be applicable to another. We’re all just doing the best we can.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Don't you hate it when...

You go to type a response to a fitness-related question, make it through several detailed paragraphs and then realise they aren’t going to read it anyway because they want a quick fix. And so, you delete it.

FWIW. Abs are made in the kitchen. You can’t target specific areas for fat loss with exercise – it all comes down to what goes in your mouth.

No, it’s not a sparkly new-age miracle cure for fat-loss, sorry. It’s just the truth.