Friday, October 10, 2014

My first encounter with a pushy sporting parent

I managed to get myself talked into handling the time keeping job at our swimming club. It’s not too bad, the sheets of paper with the race times and names are handed to me and I enter them into the computer.

Once I got the hang of the program (it’s still a little daunting, but I think I can work it out) it’s all just a matter of speed and accuracy and hoping my boy child isn’t peppering me with a million questions a second while I’m doing it.

Last night was club night. And I had my first encounter with a ‘pushy parent’. I’ve been told I’m not one by ex-competitive swimmers (firm but fair I think was the term lol) and I think I’m starting to believe that. In fact I think I’m probably downright laid back and nonchalant in comparison.

To the lovely lady who was sitting right in front of me watching me like a hawk while I typed in the times – I’m a learner. I’m a volunteer. I’m doing my best. I don’t even get to see all my kids races because I’m sitting here making sure it’s all entered in correctly and I don’t break the program in the process.

I’m sorry that your son didn’t get a pb ribbon last night. I can only go on the pieces of paper given to me and the names and times on them. I don’t know half the kids and I have no idea who your kid is. I do now, however, know he’s a little kid perhaps my sons age or a little older. Let him learn. Let him have fun. Beating pb times is awesome, but it’s not going to happen every week. My older kid trains several mornings a week and she didn’t get a pb on the previous club night, and you know what? I don’t care. She had FUN. She was moving, doing something she loves, and doing it with friends she has made along the way.

The main focus of the night is to do your best and have fun. If you think I’m incompetent (seriously, I’ve done the job twice!) then by all means, step up and offer to do it. Then I’ll go off a cheer mine and other kids along as they swim. My favourite part is cheering along that little kid who could previously only swim half a lap and can now make it all the way – the look on their face as they touch the wall is priceless. THAT is an achievement. THAT is to be celebrated. Watching them grow in ability and confidence throughout the season and the camaraderie that develops between the big and the little kids is brilliant.

It’s a disjointed rant I know. But there you have it. I was a little taken aback, but I’ll get over it. In the overall scheme of things, it was pretty minor.

Oh and results will be on the board on Tuesday. I kinda have a life, family and work that gets in the way before then.

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