Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Slow cooker beef stew

Slow cooker beef stew ready to roll.

Nothing fancy to see here.
And I'm unashamedly a cheapskate.

$5 casserole steak diced plus whatever veggies were floating around in the pantry & fridge (potato, sweet potato, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, celery, peas & corn and onion).
A litre or so of a veggie stock (I'm fussy because I like the taste of this one, and no, I didn't make it myself - couldn't be bothered), some garlic, a generous helping of lentils and lots of black pepper.
I do put quinoa in because it thickens everything so nicely and the flavour is gorgeous in a stew. 

Disclaimer. I've been using quinoa since before it was 'cool' and a 'superfood'. It's a staple in our house because it's a great gluten-free alternative that my kids and husband love.
Dealing with Coeliac Disease when the boy was a little munchkin meant I got creative quickly.
When a friend introduced me to quinoa while looking for an oats alternative, I haven't looked back.

And dinner is served... :) 


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