Friday, November 27, 2015

We were having a discussion the other day in my badass lady lifters group 💜💪 about why we lift weights.

We are all at different stages of our journeys and lives, so it was fascinating to know a little more about what makes each of us tick.

For me, what started as simply a weight loss/look better journey has definitely changed into something else the more I learned and grew over the last 3+ years.

Why do I lift?

1. So I don't fall apart later in life. Seriously. With my family and personal medical history, I'm determined to look after my body and mind. I'm gonna be like that little old lady from Madagascar that kicks everyone's butt 😉😂😎

2. Being strong makes me feel capable. I can lift, carry and move stuff around. It makes me feel useful to have my husband ask if he can borrow my muscles 💪

3. I really, really enjoy it. It's my 'thing'. And that's the core of it. Very few people would willingly get up at 5am regularly to move heavy things around and get drenched in sweat unless they actually enjoy it. I have been known to grin mid-lift because it makes me so.darn.happy.

I am learning to appreciate what my body has been through so far in my life and what it can do, even with some limitations.

And lifting heavy stuff lets me do more things that I love and spend time with those that I love, which really, is probably the whole point for me.