Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Why you should stop comparing the amount you can lift to what others can do.

Weight is relative.

This is a 10kg plate (about 22lb). Two of these on a light bar (about 8kg) is my 12 rep Romanian dl in BT3 New Rules of Lifting Supercharged.

That makes about 28kg all up (a little over 60lb). Seems light, doesn’t it?
Until you realise that I’m only 145cm (4’9) and weigh 40kg (89lb). Then it’s 70% of my body weight.

Of course, for lower reps of proper dl I can lift bodyweight and more, but 12reps is the current stage and I ain’t out to kill myself ;)

So lift what is heavy for you, everyone is different, and don’t compare yourself or your numbers to others.

They are just that, numbers, and don’t and can’t define how strong/fit/powerful you are.

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