Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I don’t do New Years resolutions, but I do have some 2015 fitness goals.

Everywhere I go I’m seeing people talking about their goals for this year.

I’ve made a few myself, but they are a bit different this year. This year it is not about losing weight, getting faster, getting stronger (although that will come naturally with what I plan to do), or eating ‘better’.

This year is about learning to be me. Learning to love my body and appreciate everything it’s been through. It’s about living an active lifestyle and having fun. It’s about learning to work smarter and not necessarily harder. It’s about family.

My fitness goals are simple. Keep lifting because I love it. Do fun cardio when I can – swimming, kayaking, hiking etc. And try out new things to see what my body can do.

I want to walk on my hands, I want to do more pull-ups, and I want to do a somersault on the trampoline (which should be interesting as I’m afraid of heights lol).

No more dieting, no more counting calories. I’ve spent the last few years retraining myself to pay attention to my body’s cues. I know real hunger from boredom hunger. I know what foods make me feel the best and I know one day of extravagance will not undo anything. No more stressing over every mouthful, trying to hit macro targets or stay out of the ‘red’.

Now is the time to be true to myself and to finally learn to treat myself with the respect my body deserves. And that is my goal for 2015.

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