Friday, January 9, 2015

January detox? What January detox??

Let me preface this post by saying that if you ever see me wearing makeup, count yourself very lucky – I’m not too keen on the stuff lol

This photo was taken just before heading out to a friend’s place for dinner, and after my week off of training over Christmas. I spent that week eating, drinking and generally being nice and social. Well, as social as an intense introvert can be – I only hung out with family lol

I still fit in my xxs jeans, my muscles are still there and haven’t atrophied, and the world was still going round.

Life isn’t static. It doesn’t stay the same every day. There are fluctuations, days where you feel awesome and days where you feel like crap. There are days you are so busy you don’t get time to sit down let alone eat and there are days that revolve around food – birthdays, celebrations, picnics, pizza & beer nights. It all evens out in the end.

You don’t need to ‘detox’ or ‘cleanse’. Just eat real food, mostly vegetables, and not too much. The end.

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