Monday, February 16, 2015

I really like chin-ups and pull-ups. That’s why I do them.

This is how I do chin-ups in my dungeon gym lol

Because I’m so short I just put a bar at the top of the squat rack. And I still have to stand on tippy toes to reach.

I’m adding chin-ups and pull-ups to my routine because, well I like them. They work a heap of muscles and they are something I want to get better at.

This morning’s NROL session (B) was pull-ups, overhead squats, side lunges, tricep pushups and hip extenstions.

The next session (A) will be chin-ups, Romanian deadlifts, T push-ups, overhead stepups, inverted rows & hip extensions.

I love Supercharged because I set the routine based on what I want to focus on at that time.

I don’t really lift for aesthetic reasons any more. I don’t lift for ‘a butt’ (although I quite like the way it’s turned out lol) and I know I won’t be able to get the high numbers that some can (100lbs is a starting weight for some – that’s more than I weigh). I need to take things slow and steady because of some physical limitations, but I go as hard as I can.

I lift weights because I enjoy it, it keeps me fit, it’s a mental and physical challenge, and it changed my body in a good way.

Although flexing my arms and back in a tank top is nice too ;)

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