Friday, February 27, 2015

My day off

Today I decided to have the day off.

Mostly because a friend had the day off and asked me to go shopping. I couldn’t exactly say no, now could I? lol

I haven’t had a real shopping trip (without kids or husband) for ages, so it was lovely.

Always start with a coffee
Of course, I went specifically to buy new clothes (something I rarely do), and pretty much came home with one pair of jeans and a pair of shorts – never anything suitable or in my size when I have money to spend ;)

We managed lunch before I got a call to pick the boy child up from school. High temps means tv and airconditioning for him for the rest of the day.

I did enjoy my ‘day off’ though – looking forward to the next one, even if I have no idea when that will be lol
Give me sushi and a coffee and I'll be forever happy.

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