Monday, March 16, 2015

Going for a run with my boy.

I dragged the small boy child out of the house on Sunday afternoon to go for a run. Mostly to get him out of the house and to give his sister some time and space to work on her assignments.

I wasn’t expecting too much. And I may have assumed that he would give up within 10-15 minutes lol But I dutifully turned on my Endomondo tracker and we set off.

Well, apparently he likes the whole map thing, and being able to check how far you’ve gone and where on the map you are. Whenever we got to a spot where we could choose one way or the other, he would ask which was the longest way, and then choose that! 50 minutes and 3.97km later (okay, that included stopping to look at the insane number of bats roosting in some trees, waiting at traffic lights and getting a drink from the service station ;) ), we arrived back home and he was pretty buzzed. He wants to go out again on Wednesday afternoon after school. We’ll have to take big sister with us, and she’s not exactly known for her running stamina, but we’ll play it by ear and see how we go :)

But I’m very pleased to have a little running buddy. I’d forgotten how much fun it was. And it was fun – he was in charge of when we walked/ran/sprinted etc, and we both had a really good time.

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