Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Healthy afternoon snacks

Channeling my inner ‘perfect mother’ as I get afternoon tea ready for my kids (and their friends, there are always extras lol) at cricket.

Meh, who am I kidding? They’ll eat this lot. And they’ll also eat the packet of crisps I have in the cupboard for the next after school activity when I couldn’t be bothered packing a cooler bag.

My kids are active. They eat fruit & vege. They also eat crisps, chocolate (dairy free, gluten-free and cocoa free… no I am not kidding *sigh* white is still sorta classified as chocolate?) and pretty much whatever they can get their hands on.

The girl did several kms in the pool in the morning and will play cricket in the afternoon, after having playing sport at school. The boy did school swimming and cricket this afternoon and may convince me to go for a run afterwards. That’s if they don’t jump in our backyard pool when we get home.

They never, ever stop. So I think they’re doing ok

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