Friday, June 26, 2015

Small steps are still progress.

Want to learn to lift? Start where you are and work your way up.

Read a lot. Talk to smart people. Watch and learn.

And don't be afraid to start small.

I still have those teeny little dumbbells. That was all I had. I was working out at home and I was scared. I didn't think a little person like me would be able to get under a barbell and squat for real.

The kids use those dumbbells now. Actually, I also use the smaller ones to stop my big plates from rolling away

Don't be in a rush to 'lift big'. Slow it down and take the time to learn about you. About your body, about what it can do, and yes, even what it can't. There's no real hurry. There's no 'quick fix' to get stronger. It takes time and effort. The more you learn, the more you can do.

And don't compare yourself to others. They aren't you. Take time to think about what you can do compared to where you were last year, or last month, or whenever. Gauge your progress from that. And even small steps are still progress.

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