Monday, June 29, 2015

Checking form via iPhone

Checking form via iPhone.

Because I lift at home, generally by myself, I do quick vids on my phone every now and then to check form. Particularly if I'm lifting heavy that day.

 Depending on how it goes, I'll either tweak some things and keep going at that weight or de-load a bit and do a little more focused work.

The aim is to work out safely. I'm in no hurry to get anywhere, I just want to lift stuff. It's my mental release, so any injury would be very sad indeed!

I spend a good amount of time warming up, listen to my body throughout the session (adjusting accordingly if needed) and then do yoga-type cool down stretches. Eventually, I'd like a power rack, but until then, I'm careful with my squat rack and it does the job. Regardless of your reason or how you workout, safety should always be number one.

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