Thursday, July 16, 2015

I didn't quit sugar

I have no issues adding a measly 1/4 cup of white sugar to what will be 32 passionfruit mini muffins to be eaten at various outings over the next few days. 

Normally it would be brown sugar for colour, but I've run out 😉

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Make movement fun

Doing fun stuff is the aim of the game.

For me, exercise is about combining all the stuff I love and seeing where I end up.

My main workout is my lifting. At the moment I'm in the final stages of NROL Supercharged, which is Strength & Power. Low rep heavy weight for two lifts (squats and pull-ups for me today), followed by high reps (single leg, push, lunge, pull today).

I add to this some mobility stuff as well as some calisthenics, basic yoga and some HIIT.

For no other reason than I like it.

And I like standing on my head. Even if I'm not very graceful while doing it. 

Clothing cull

Yesterday I bit the bullet and finally cleared out my wardrobe. Anything that was too big, didn't fit properly anymore (hello muscles), or was just not my style is gone. Well, almost gone. Some of it is being given away tonight to a friend. The rest is headed to charity.

I need to find and buy a couple of staples that fit - I own one single simple long sleeve shirt - but otherwise, hello minimalist wardrobe and stuff that actually fits.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Why I take gym selfies

Dodgy gym selfie.

I take selfies for a reason.

Not so long ago I would hide behind the camera. There are very few photos of me and my munchkins when they were little. At group gatherings I would avoid anyone with a camera like the plague. I hated looking at myself in photos. I know I'm not conventionally pretty and all I could see were millions of flaws glaring at me while surrounded by beautiful people.

So I take selfies to try and get myself reacquainted with who I am. I still struggle hugely with my self-perception, but at least I know there are photos of me floating around for my kids to see.

So, this is me, flaws and all. Dodgy selfie skills included. Hot, sweaty and stuffed after a gym session. But happy :)