Sunday, January 3, 2016

This is my body

Inspired by the photo and post by Molly Galbraith the other day on Facebook.

This is my body.

I am not a fitness professional. I'm 'just a mum'. I work, I organise kids school and extra-curricular activities, help with homework, I support my husband through a double masters program. Sometimes I even manage to clean my house and catch up with friends for a coffee or *gasp* dinner!

This body has dealt with primary and secondary infertility, miscarriage, anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue. It has struggled with an eating disorder and been both very underweight and overweight.
It bares the scars and tiger stripes of two full-term pregnancies and c-sections. It breastfed two babies for almost 2 years each. It also manages the effects of PCOS, GORD and other minor issues on a daily basis.

But this body is MINE. And it is loved.

In the past it screamed out for help as it dealt with pre-diabetes, constant migraines, sickness, infections and the complete inability to walk up a small flight of stairs without becoming out of breath.

But this body is strong.

This body loves movement. It also loves fruit and vegetables and crisps and cupcakes.
It loves push-ups and pull-ups and leisurely walks along the beach. It also likes late mornings followed by bacon, eggs and strong black coffee.

This body tells MY story. Every wrinkle, every crease, every grey hair, every smile.
I don't want to look like anyone else. I don't want someone else's body (or legs or nose or abs or whatever).

Because then that body would not be ME.

This year I am determined to love this body more. To cherish it's story, to love it's abilities and adore it's individuality.

In a way only I can.

 Because this body is mine.

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