Monday, June 29, 2015

Checking form via iPhone

Checking form via iPhone.

Because I lift at home, generally by myself, I do quick vids on my phone every now and then to check form. Particularly if I'm lifting heavy that day.

 Depending on how it goes, I'll either tweak some things and keep going at that weight or de-load a bit and do a little more focused work.

The aim is to work out safely. I'm in no hurry to get anywhere, I just want to lift stuff. It's my mental release, so any injury would be very sad indeed!

I spend a good amount of time warming up, listen to my body throughout the session (adjusting accordingly if needed) and then do yoga-type cool down stretches. Eventually, I'd like a power rack, but until then, I'm careful with my squat rack and it does the job. Regardless of your reason or how you workout, safety should always be number one.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Coeliac Disease is not a 'bandwagon'. It's not a choice.

We were at a play date in a park yesterday with a heap of other parents and kids from school. We all brought plates of food etc.

As I put my gf muffins and rice crackers on the table another mum mentioned that they were looking into jumping on the 'gluten and grain free bandwagon' too.

I couldn't actually think of anything to say. I think the confused and dumbfounded look on my face spelled it out though lol

My son, husband and mother-in-law have Coeliac Disease. I don't have a choice. Trust me, if I could feed them the usual flour-filled goodies without fear of them getting really sick, I would. My daughter and I still eat some gluten containing things, we don't need to avoid it. But I cook & bake using only gluten-free ingredients so that I don't have to stress about cross-contamination and so that everyone can eat the goodies.

Coeliac Disease is not a choice. Going gluten free is a necessity. It's not fun. It's not 'trendy', it just is what it is. And sometimes it sucks. Try being an 8yo boy watching his friends tuck into really awesome looking cupcakes or pizza and knowing you can't even have a taste because otherwise you'll be sitting on the toilet for hours after (and that's a mild reaction).

If you want to go gluten free because you believe it will help you lose weight or will make you healthy, seriously, go for it. But that's your choice. It's not a necessity, it's not needed (no matter how many self-styled health 'gurus' or celebrity bloggers tell you otherwise). But don't minimize the seriousness of an actual auto-immune disease and lump it together with what is essentially your lifestyle choice.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Still smiling

Still smiling :)

My girl is almost through her first stage of nrol supercharged. Just the basics, and she's loving it. She upped her goblet squats and rows today and was quite chuffed with herself

I'm just so glad we've found something we both enjoy and I love spending one-on-one time with her in the gym 😊

Small steps are still progress.

Want to learn to lift? Start where you are and work your way up.

Read a lot. Talk to smart people. Watch and learn.

And don't be afraid to start small.

I still have those teeny little dumbbells. That was all I had. I was working out at home and I was scared. I didn't think a little person like me would be able to get under a barbell and squat for real.

The kids use those dumbbells now. Actually, I also use the smaller ones to stop my big plates from rolling away

Don't be in a rush to 'lift big'. Slow it down and take the time to learn about you. About your body, about what it can do, and yes, even what it can't. There's no real hurry. There's no 'quick fix' to get stronger. It takes time and effort. The more you learn, the more you can do.

And don't compare yourself to others. They aren't you. Take time to think about what you can do compared to where you were last year, or last month, or whenever. Gauge your progress from that. And even small steps are still progress.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Exercise is not punishment.

 Exercise shouldn’t be punishment because you ‘ate something “bad”.

Besides the fact food is just food, and there should be no moralistic values given to it, punishing yourself through exercise or restriction leaves you open to a whole host of issues down the track.

Moving your body is an awesome thing, no matter how or what you do.

Don’t like weights? Don’t lift.
Don’t like running? Don’t run.

Like playing a sport? Get involved.
Like Zumba? Shake that booty.

Your body is brilliant. Just think of all the things it does on a daily basis. Exercise and movement helps it to do those things better.

Love your body with movement you enjoy. It will thank you in so many ways.