Monday, August 10, 2015

Family fun at the park, and some pull-ups

We had such a fun time at the park yesterday. The kids carried their tennis rackets and we walked there and spent about 1.5hrs just mucking about together (making Daddy run after the tennis balls was apparently a highlight ;) ).

I got the husband to lift me up to the lowest bar (seriously, my feet are about a metre off the ground here at full hanging point ;)) and rapped out a couple of pull-ups.

I've been working hard on these lately and doing lots of upper body work. I could've done more, but figured I'd already shown off enough ;) Besides, I wanted to play tennis too :)

I don't get to physically see my muscles in action much, so I do have to say, me likey very much :)


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Broken bones won't slow him down

Small boy child has fractured his hand.

He's not allowed to play, but nobody said anything about mucking about with his team beforehand ;)


Friday, August 7, 2015

Movement for life

It isn't always about going hard in the gym. Sometimes just getting in and getting something done is an achievement in itself.

This is a lifelong thing for me. Life has its ups and downs and you need to move with it. Lifting is my meditation, my calmness, and sometimes deloading and just focusing on the movement is good for the soul as well as the body.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Slow cooker beef stew

Slow cooker beef stew ready to roll.

Nothing fancy to see here.
And I'm unashamedly a cheapskate.

$5 casserole steak diced plus whatever veggies were floating around in the pantry & fridge (potato, sweet potato, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, celery, peas & corn and onion).
A litre or so of a veggie stock (I'm fussy because I like the taste of this one, and no, I didn't make it myself - couldn't be bothered), some garlic, a generous helping of lentils and lots of black pepper.
I do put quinoa in because it thickens everything so nicely and the flavour is gorgeous in a stew. 

Disclaimer. I've been using quinoa since before it was 'cool' and a 'superfood'. It's a staple in our house because it's a great gluten-free alternative that my kids and husband love.
Dealing with Coeliac Disease when the boy was a little munchkin meant I got creative quickly.
When a friend introduced me to quinoa while looking for an oats alternative, I haven't looked back.

And dinner is served... :) 


Monday, August 3, 2015

Deadlift PR

Feeling the love for my legs and those iron plates today.

Some days I head in to the garage with nothing in mind other than that day's workout and the fact that I really, freaking need to chill out.

Deadlift day today. Going through a strength building phase. And today I lifted 58kg/127lb. For a midget like myself, that's 1.45x body weight for 5 reps.

I'm kinda chuffed about that ;)

Maybe today isn't completely screwed after all :)