Thursday, December 31, 2015

Life is too short to worry about what other people might think.

Does anyone else like light, snackable meals during the day?

Sometimes my stomach doesn't want food until 'lunch' time, and then it just wants something simple.

Even my kids make up their own 'snack plates' now - fruit, raw vege, whatever cold meat may be in the fridge, nuts etc anything goes.

I've given up trying to 'fit in' with others regarding what and how much I eat. It's much simpler just doing my own thing, no matter how weird or crazy I may look to others.

I have a good feel for what makes me happy and feel good now, so I'm just gonna run with that.

Life is too short to worry about what other people might think. Eyes on my own plate, and they should keep their eyes on their own.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Easing back into routine.

We got home on Monday and I made time to wander into the gym yesterday morning.

Not to 'work off' my Christmas indulgences though. But to gently ease myself back into routine and do something I truly enjoy.

It's a part of my life now, movement makes me happy, it sets up my day and just makes everything better.

Another gentle session tomorrow with some yoga & stretching thrown in (I've put a yoga mat upstairs in front of the gorgeous sunlit balcony) and I'll be all ready to start back my training program on Monday.

And back to work too 😊

Monday, December 14, 2015

Last deadlifts before holidays.

Found myself channeling Michele Burmaster from Disrupt Your Diet during deadlifts this morning lol
Michele is an awesome lady, everyone should follow her - she also does great training and technique videos 😊

Last deadlifts before I go on holidays. 2x12reps at 1.2x bodyweight. I still can't get over how much my strength has increased over the last year. I just poke along and get the job done. 

Nothing hardcore here lol

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Morning yoga

There are some interesting photos on my phone from my morning yoga taken by my 8yo 😂

This is a habit I've been trying to make - some gentle stretches and yoga before breakfast on non-gym days. It definitely helps to wake me up gently, so I might just stick to it a few times a week 😊

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Coeliac Disease sucks.

When you get woken up to the sound of your 8yo crying and moaning in pain because his stomach hurts so bad.

And later you roll over and realise your husband is downstairs sick because he didn't want to disturb you.

That is Coeliac Disease. And the next person who tells me that they're avoiding 'bad' gluten but that cake/beer/chocolate/whatever looked so good so they decided to 'cheat'? They can go jump.