Monday, April 20, 2015

21 positive days. Back in the gym.

Back in the gym today!

And yep, when I’m trying to get a photo on my phone’s timer thing it’s pretty much guaranteed to chop my head off and be slightly lopsided ;)

I’ve changed a few things up – moved from front to back squats – and just took it easy-ish today.

I love lifting, I love the feeling of accomplishment and I even don’t mind the completely stuffed feeling at the end. Today’s session wasn’t overly calm (I like absolute quiet but obviously the munchkins are at home, so there were a few squabbles to sort out), but I’m glad to have got it done.

It was also very dark in the garage, so I moved a desk lamp in for extra light. I think the garage is next on the reno agenda, so maybe I’ll have a light then lol

 (originally posted on my old website)

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