Sunday, April 26, 2015

21 positive days. Self care.

I just checked my calendar and this is day 20.
Tomorrow is my last day for this little mental detox. It crept up quickly!

Today I woke up feeling decidedly under the weather.
Everything just feels a little ‘off’ and I’m pretty tired.

So a little time out for some self care is in order.
A nice cup of tea and just sitting outside in the peace and quiet with my book.
Hopefully enough to recharge a little before getting back to the usual duties of bathing children and cooking dinner.
And then I’m crashing into be.

It’s okay to feel off-colour every now and then. It’s normal.
Sometimes we just have to take a step back and chill out a bit.
By resting today I should be fine to get back to the normal routine tomorrow.
Always listening to my body and taking notice of how I feel.

 (originally posted on my old website)

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