Monday, April 13, 2015

21 positive days. A role model.

‘Let’s do push-ups Mum!’

Becoming a role model for my kids in terms of fitness and being active is a weird thing to get used to. But it’s pretty cool when I think about it.

Our overall family lifestyle has done a complete turn around over the last few years. We are more active, the kids play a lot of sports and we’re always on the go. I’ve noticed it helps the kids to be calm and they are always happier and sleep better after a day full of physical activity. So I am always on the lookout for different things that keep both their minds and bodies engaged in a positive way.

We’ve spent the last few days on the go – at the zoo, at a crocodile farm, at the beach. Tomorrow they are looking forward to exploring our surroundings yet again. And more time in the pool. And I’ll be there every step of the way encouraging them to keep moving (until I need a rest, and then it’s totally siesta time!).

 (originally posted on my old website)

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