Monday, April 27, 2015

21 positive days. We are all unique.

When it comes to ourselves, there is no comparison. We are all unique. Don’t downplay that uniqueness by comparing yourself to others.

I started with a deadlift and I’ll finish with a deadlift. And a PB at that.

This is my 4×4 at 45.5kg (a touch over 100lb). Doesn’t seem all that impressive, does it? But I am roughly about the same length as that teeny 8kg bar and weigh a massive 40-ish kg (89lb).

Numbers are pretty cool, but they need to come with perspective.

I am very proud of myself today. I workout at home so I am very careful with my weights and progress deliberately slowly. I go up, I go down, but I’m always inching ever slightly forwards. It’s taken me about a year and a half to get here, and the future is looking pretty awesome.

 (originally posted on my old website)

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