Tuesday, April 7, 2015

21 positive days. Love your body.

A shape. My shape.

I’m working hard to like it. But it’s strong and it can work hard.

This body has carried two babies to term, endured two c-sections and I’ve gotten my diastasis down from 5 fingers to 3 as of last check.

I will never have a flat & ripped stomach but I can still do stuff I love. I can hike with my kids, kayak around lakes and am slowly adding more weight to that bar.

Over the next 21 days I’m going to do my own little detox. A mental detox. I’m going to post something positive about myself each and everyday. To try and see this body differently. To learn to love my shape. A little reminder to myself that it’s okay to love your body. Just the way it is.

(originally posted on my old website)

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